What is a Male Dog Called? A Comprehensive Lead

Should you have any questions concerning what is a male dog called, You are in the proper location. Dog jargon can be highly colorful and occasionally bewildering. Let’s see what names are given to masculine dogs.

Although there is debate over whether the term “dog” is gendered, a male dog is referred to as such. While most of the time “dog” would suffice for both males and females, breeding requires more precise terminology. Within the breeder community, a male dog that is not yet a father is referred to as a stud, while a fathering dog is called a sire. Do the boys and girls have different terms?

Yes, that is the response. Depending on their purpose and reproductive condition, male dogs are referred to by several terms. Let’s investigate a handful of them.

Were you aware? A male wolf or fox can also be called a “dog.”

Technical Terms for Male Dogs

Calling your neighbor’s female dog a bitch is popular and appropriate in the context of breeding, but it is not applicable in everyday situations. Which gets us to the technical vocabulary of male canines.

The only people who use terms like “stud” and “sire” are breeders and dog show lovers. Let’s examine these expressions and the reasons they don’t quite translate to “dog”:

Technical Terms for Male Dogs


A healthy male dog kept specifically for breeding is called a stud. It is analogous to the term “stallion” used to describe horses. In breeding circles, the phrase is frequently used.

Ads for dogs that are “available for stud” may appear; this indicates that the canines are open to breeding with females who are in heat.

“Stud fees” are the costs associated with allowing a female dog to mate with a male dog.


A male dog that has helped give birth to a litter of puppies is referred to as a sire. To put it simply, a sire is a “father.” This phrase could come up in the context of dog shows or dog magazines that feature a lot of dog-related advertisements.

A “champion-sired” puppy, for instance, indicates that the puppy’s father has attained the status of a champion.

Mother dogs are referred to as dams, and father dogs as sires.

Intact Male Dog

Simply put, an intact male dog is still “entire,” or is capable of procreating since it still has testicles.

When a female dog is in heat, intact males are known to participate in a range of stereotypical male activities, including marking their territory with urine, roaming, and fighting with rival males for dominance.

Neutered Dog

A dog that has had its testicles surgically removed is said to be neutered. The veterinarian accomplishes this using a procedure called “castration.”

“Castrated dog” refers to a neutered dog in another way.”

A male dog that has undergone neutering is no longer able to father puppies.

Cryptorchid Dog

A dog with a cryptorchid has only one testicle. In pups, the testes usually descend into the scrotum by the time they are 6 to 16 weeks old. Even yet, descent can happen as late as 10 months of age, but this is a very unusual period.

Cryptorchidism is the term used to describe the state of having only one testicle. A dog with cryptorchids can still breed regularly.

Testes that have not descended or descended late in life are usually heritable defects.

A canine that has two testicles that remain in place is referred to as a bilateral cryptorchid or “double cryptorchid dog.” The dog in this instance is infertile and unable to procreate.

After a dog is neutered, what do you name it?

A dog that has undergone neutering is referred to as either a “neutered dog” or a “dog who has been fixed.” (An informal phrase for de-sexed canines, referring to both male and female dogs, is “fixed”).

A de-sexed female dog is a “spayed dog,” thus you don’t need to say “neutered male dog” because only male dogs are neutered.

What’s the name of a granddad’s dog?

Since our dogs come from shelters, we’ve never met their parents or grandparents, but breeders have information on the puppies’ pedigree, including the grandfathers of the puppies.

To identify the “grandfather” of puppies, there are two phrases.

The dog grandfather on the mother’s side is known as the “damsire,” who is the father and sire of the dam, the mother of the puppies.

Either the male or female grandpa is referred to as the “Grand Sire.”

And that’s it! You now understand all the jargon, whether you are discussing a dog, a dog that has grandfathered or fathered puppies, or a neutered dog!

I’m aware of the phrase that our Barli enjoys hearing the most when it comes to terminology: good boy!

What is a Male Dog Called? Four Steps-Choosing a good name

Step 1: Consider the Personality of Your Dog

It’s important to take your male dog’s characteristics into account while naming him. Is he a devoted and watchful friend? Or is he a mischievous and energetic puppy? Consider what kind of name might work best for him.

Consider the Personality of Your Dog

Step 2: Contemplate the Meaning You Hope Your Dog’s Name Will Have

Names can signify many different things. Consider what you want the name to stand for when naming your male dog. Do you wish for it to have a powerful name? Or are you more interested in a lighthearted and amiable name?

Step 3: Select a Name That Is Simple To Pronounce And Recall

Selecting a name that is simple to speak and recall is crucial when naming your male dog. You will be pronouncing this name a lot, after all! Avoid names that are difficult to pronounce or spell.

Step 4: Enjoy Yourself!

It should be enjoyable to choose a name for your male dog!

Don’t give it too much thought. Enjoy the process and have fun while doing it.

Now that you are aware of the factors to take into account while naming your male dog, let’s have a look at some of the most well-known male dog names.

It’s important to think about your male dog’s personality and what you want others to think of when they hear his name when naming him. Something like “ace” or “macho” would be an excellent choice if you’re searching for a strong, manly name.

However, “bandit” or “gentleman” may be better choices if you’re seeking a more lighthearted moniker.

Names of Canine Males in Other Nations

There are numerous ways, depending on where you live in the world, to refer to a male dog. Some may refer to him as just a “dog,” while others may give him a more descriptive name like “boy” or “stud.”These are a few international common names for male dogs:

-Most people refer to a male dog as a “dog,” “boy,” or “stud” in America.

– A dog that is male is called a “dog,” “kelpie,” or “stag” in Australia.

– Most people refer to a male dog as a “dog,” “buck,” or “dogger” in Canada.

– Most people refer to a male dog as a “dog,” “lad,” or “son” in Great Britain.

– A male dog is referred to as a “dog,” “pup,” or “blogger” in Ireland.

-A dog that is male is called a “dog,” “puppy,” or “kea” in New Zealand.

– A dog that is male is called a “dog,” “Boerboel,” or “bobtail” in South Africa.

As you can see, male canines from all over the world go by a variety of names. A male dog, by whatever name, can enrich your life with happiness and affection.


In the end, what is a male dog called? While some find that terminology like “dog” is gender-neutral, others think that the term “boy” sounds more endearing. The ideal way to name your male dog is to try out a bunch of names and see which one suits both of you and your dog the best.

Verify that you feel at ease with the name and that your dog reacts positively to it. Ultimately, this is the name he will have for the remainder of his life!


Q: What makes a dog offensive?

Q:  Dog no longer has a negative connotation in the US or the English language, and it is no longer considered an insult. Americans are typically animal lovers who value dogs for their loyalty and friendliness, even if Trump uses it as a slur.

Q: What’s the name of a pack of dogs?

A: A pack or kennel is a collection of dogs. Another term for a pack of dogs is silent. Furthermore, different phrases may be used to refer to different kinds of dogs, such as the cry of hounds or the cowardice of mutts.

Q: In Australia, is a male dog referred to as a bastard?

A: There is no concrete evidence to back up such claim. In Australia, people don’t typically refer to male dogs as bastards. However, the phrase can also be used to describe a dog that is unruly or disobedient.

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